Have you reached a goal, financial or otherwise? Maybe you just became debt free. CONGRATULATIONS! You’ve worked so hard to get here. Check out these rewards for becoming debt free.
But, before you go crazy with the spending, keep the momentum going and build up an emergency fund of 3-6 months of expenses. If you’ve just paid off a ton of debt, saving your emergency fund will be small potatoes compared to the feat you just accomplished.
- Related: Our Debt Free Journey
Then, save up and pay cash for your reward.
Here are 5 rewards for becoming debt free, on a scale of most budget conscious to splurging.
Celebrate With a Nice Meal

The first reward for becoming debt free is to go to a fancy restaurant.. the kind the uses more than one fork. Order more than just the main meal. Normally, I’m an entree only and “just water” kinda girl but this is about celebrating.
Get those appetizers.
Order that dessert.
Maybe even a nice glass of wine..?
Now I’ve gone too far.
Pamper Yourself
Get a manicure and a pedicure. Go to the spa. Couples massage, anyone? Get your hair cut by something other than your budget scissors. (Not to knock the home hair cuts, they save a ton!)
Give flotation therapy a try – check out My Chic Obsession’s recommendations before you go. Do something that makes you feel relaxed and eases the tension built up from working so hard during your debt free journey.

Spend the Night Away
Book a nice hotel a few towns over. Send the kids to Grandma & Grandpa’s. Look for lodging based on amenities *cough* jacuzzi in room *cough* and reviews instead of price.
Normally I’m a sort from “price low to high” kinda girl but this is about celebrating! (Who am I kidding, I’ll always be that way.) AirBnB has great options that offer more bang for your buck. (Here’s $40 off your first booking!)
At hotels, sometimes you can ask to delay checkout by an hour or check in early at no extra cost. (But you have to ask!) Sleep in and make it a lazy morning. Or, get out and explore the city!
Go on a Camping Trip
Pack up and unplug. It’s okay to step away from Instagram’s #debtfreecommunity for a little bit. It will still be there when you get back. Pitch a tent, blow up an air mattress, and become one with nature. Enjoy time in the great outdoors camping.

Or in my case, glamping. Because the last thing I want to do once I’m debt free is sleep on a dirt floor.. with bugs. #letsbereal. A cabin in the woods (with plumbing and electricity) is about as rustic as I need to feel one with nature.
Travel Internationally
Grab your passport. Book a flight. Where have you always wanted to travel? Do you want to lie on the beach? Go south. My personal destination of choice is somewhere in Europe.
Pick an off-peak travel time (anytime but summer) if you still want to be budget conscious. Kayak Explore is a great tool for picking a destination based on your specific budget.

There you have it: rewards for becoming debt free from budget conscious to splurging! You can modify these however you need to fit your budget.
I think you’ll find that if you have an emergency fund in place (3-6 months of expenses) you won’t feel guilty about splurging for a little reward. Rewards are necessary to stay motivated to reach even more goals!
Which one do you want to try? Let me know down in the comments! Share this with a friend who is on their debt free journey to help them stay motivated!
Once you’re out of debt, you are one step closer to financial independence.
Are you thinking about paying off debt? Start here.
Then check out how our debt free journey is going!

I like to reward myself with a nice restaurant or a trip. It’s fun to go to a nice restaurant and order anything without caring about the price #treatyoself . Jeff and I are going back to the envelope system and I’m actually excited ! When we budget and accomplish goals, we will reward ourselves by traveling.
lol I love all your hashtags and your honest comments. Your posts are so fun to read!
I think a trip is definitely my favorite reward. Let me know how the envelope system goes for you!