Miss Matilda is ONE!

Matilda, Missy, Miss Tilly. Lover of Mommy & food. Around the 6 month mark she started to take to Daddy and at 10 months she let other people look at her without crying. She has perfected her growl & scowl but it quickly turns into a big gorgeous smile.

She started sleeping through the night a few months ago but the 12 month sleep regression (& teething) is hitting hard. Apart from that, nap time is one of the highlights of her day and “ni ni” (night night) was one of her first words. She says “ma ma” “da da” “uh oh” “na na” (nurse/eat) “un uh” (no). Still nursing strong, Matilda never really took a bottle. But, she loves solids (veggies are her FAVORITE) and outeats her older brother almost daily.

She LOVES playing with Gideon. They share a room and at night they talk and giggle back and forth until they fall asleep. They’re on opposite nap schedules and sometimes you can find her sitting outside Big Brother’s door passing things to him during his “quiet” time.
The first year has been eventful. It started off with an emergency C-section and dislocated clavicle, and then in the span of a few months we were hit with RSV, COVID, the stomach flu, & HFMD (though thankfully she was spared from that last one).
We don’t go a day without finding Missy crawling around with a sock in her mouth. Despite our best efforts, she still finds them and proudly carries them between her teeth. 2 teeth out, 2 just broke through, and a couple more are on the way.
We love Matilda Eleanor and are so thankful God saw fit to bless us with her

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