Are you constantly overwhelmed, tired or exhausted? Are you waiting for life to slow down or are you just trying to keep your head above water? You are not alone. The solution is to live intentionally.

Does life feel overly complicated or do you feel ill-equipped with how to handle things that come your way? Do you wonder if people are struggling with this #adulting thing as much as you are?
Let me say it again, you are not alone.
Once I graduated college I thought that life was going to slow down. Little did I know that motherhood is way more hectic than taking classes full time AND working 3 part time jobs at once.
I’m also trying to start a business, do an extra side hustle thing, keep a clean apartment (key word: trying), plan meals, and oh yeah be flexible with my husband’s demanding job and be a good mother a toddler who decided he’s going to hit the “terrible two” stage early.
Phew. I feel like I can’t catch my breath. I’m constantly overwhelmed.
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I’m just waiting for life to slow down so I can catch up on my ever growing to-do list.
But life isn’t slowing down.
In fact, life has the potential to get more hectic. We’re looking to buy a house in the future. I’ve heard a lot of things about home ownership but “stress-free” isn’t one of them. And we don’t quite feel “done” with just one kid (though that depends on the day 😉 ).
- Related: When Motherhood Leaves You Weak
We live in an age where productivity is valued above all else. Your physical, financial, mental, and spiritual well being is sacrificed for a deadline.
I don’t think it’s a coincidence that stress, burnout, anxiety, and depression are on the rise. I’ve experienced all the above. Do you know the recommendations for dealing with those?
Slowing down, being mindful, setting boundaries (saying “no”), having a sense of purpose, eating well, exercising, getting a full night’s rest, maintaining faith, striving to live intentionally, etc.
We live in an age where productivity is valued above all else. Your physical, financial, mental, and spiritual well-being is sacrificed for a deadline.
How do we slow down and untangle our messy lives? What does it mean to live intentionally? I’ve been asking myself that question for a long time.
As I was strolling through the shelves of the non picture book section at the library… (side note: did you know libraries have more than just a kid section??) (double side note: when recounting this story to my husband, I said I was scrolling through the shelves.. oy!)
As I was strolling, I came across a book titled, 100 Ways to Simplify Your Life by Joyce Meyer. In her book she claims that you don’t have to live a life that leaves you frustrated, confused, weary, and worn out.
Okay, I’ll bite.
She even goes as far to say that you can choose a life of simplicity, fruitfulness, fulfillment, peace, and joy.
Now I’m listening.
And then comes the truth bomb. She says that it’s our attitude that determines how simple or complex each situation will be.
Wait, so.. I am the problem?
Meyer says, “When you spend your life in frustration trying to change the world and everyone in it, you fail to realize it could be you just need to change your approach to life.”
So yeah.. I am the problem.
“When you spend your life in frustration trying to change the world and everyone in it, you fail to realize it could be you just need to change your approach to life.”
Joyce Meyer
That got the wheels turning. I have the ability to change my situation by changing my approach.
Maybe trying to do #allthethings isn’t the answer. Maybe it’s time to simplify life and let some things go.
It’s time to live intentionally.
I’ve researched, pondered, and researched even more ways to live intentionally.
Now I’m turning it into a challenge. A challenge for myself – and you, if you are so bold – to embark on a simpler, more intentional life. Join me.
Caution: not once did I say it was going to be easy. It’s going to take work, determination, and we must “remain undaunted in our quest for simplicity.”
But the end result is worth it: a simplified life, increased joy, and an improved quality of life.
I reserve the right to extend grace to myself in the event that my journey isn’t a straight line from exhausted to intentional. Life happens.
Be gentle with yourself.
Join me in choosing to live intentionally. Head over to my YouTube channel (and subscribe with notifications on!) to watch my journey unfold.
You can also follow along on this blog, Instagram, or Facebook. Comment and post about how your journey is going and how you are choosing to live intentionally. Tag me @familymakescents so I can see! Check out my story highlights labeled Intentional for tips.
Share this post with a friend and bring them along.
The first step is to set a goal.
Start here with Intentional Living: How to set Intentional Goals.
“We live in an age where productivity is valued above all else. Your physical, financial, mental, and spiritual well being is sacrificed for a deadline.” Sad but true that we often surrender control of our lives to others because of how we want to be perceived. We should be living according to God’s direction and what’s best for our families and ourselves. Thanks for bringing out these truths!
Thank you for reading!