I wish I could say breastfeeding was the most natural yet magical experience but for me that wasn’t entirely the case.

My Story
Our breastfeeding journey has recently come to an end after 2 eventful years.
Even though I was blessed with an oversupply of milk, the first year wasn’t great (read: anxiety producing).
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My baby went on a nursing strike every. single. month. for the first year. (My period came back right away and he was very sensitive to the hormone changes each month.. apparently that’s a thing.)
He also nursed 3 times a night, every single night, for the first year.
I pushed through and the second year got much better. We found a rhythm and he FINALLY started sleeping through the night!!
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The worst moment in breastfeeding was when he was nursing while sick and he started having a seizure.
I decided to nurse through the trauma the seizure brought otherwise there was a possibility I’d never do it again.
Then came the decline in my physical & mental health. I wasn’t replenishing my body with proper nutrients and my teeth paid the price (hello root canal).
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I started taking vitamins & supplements while tapering the nursing. The next few months went smoothly as the rest of my teeth remained intact and no more seizures.
When I got pregnant the second time around we gradually began the weaning process. The pregnancy ended before any of us wanted but we had already finished nursing. The end of our breastfeeding season carries a little ache.
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All in all, breastfeeding had its ups and downs. Some days I find myself wishing we could have continued as he still asks to everyday but mostly I’m just content being done.
I’m grateful God gave me the tools to nurture my little one in this way for as long as did.
Despite the low points, I’m thankful for these 2 years. I wouldn’t wish any of it away because each event has shaped me into the mother I am and continues to form me into the mother I am supposed to be.
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