This world is heavy. Heavy with lossHeavy with griefHeavy with sorrow But we weren’t created to carry that weight alone.

intentional living & grace filled motherhood
I find myself longing for a different season. A season when things are easier, better.But that is not mine to have.Not yet. So I must live in the now. Now means tension.Tension of the ...
Are you thinking about moving out of your parents' house / college dorm and living on your own? Yay for independence! The entirety of your life has been leading up to this moment. Your parents have ...
Living intentionally is the difference between surviving and living. One is passive and one is active. Are you living life on purpose? *Psst: did you know, Family Makes Cents is on YouTube?! ...
I've thought long and hard about how I want to approach the current events. My heart is heavy. I wish I could eloquently express my thoughts on the various topics but for now I will try to stick with ...
This world is heavy. Heavy with lossHeavy with griefHeavy with sorrow But we weren’t created to carry that weight alone.
In January of 2019, we made a goal to get out of debt, Dave Ramsey style. Thus began our debt free journey. Before our debt free journey… If you haven’t heard of Dave Ramsey, he’s the author of Total Money…
Labor started early, 12:30am early. Thirty minutes after the due date came and went, baby decided to start the entry process. Up to this point, I had prodromal labor for 2.5 weeks. This consisted of mild contractions coming in regular…
I’m in my third trimester of pregnancy and it’s never too late to document it. According to my OB, full term is 37 weeks so now we are just entering the waiting game! Here is a update & recap of…
As the dark cloud thins and I start to claw my way out of the hole, I can start to see just how deep the valley really was. I didn’t even know how overwhelmed I was.. until I wasn’t. Let…
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