I just put my child in daycare. And I’m feeling ALL THE FEELS. I’ve laughed, I’ve cried. I’ve done a little happy dance. And I’ve even thought about picking him up and trying again some other time (in a year…

intentional living & grace filled motherhood
"I'm pregnant and I'm bleeding," I said as I called the doctor. Not exactly how I was expecting to kick off the 4th of July weekend. Hours earlier we had just submitted an application for a ...
Heating your home or apartment is necessary for survival but you don't have to break the bank over it. Here we are looking at ways to stay warm without turning up the heat and how to prevent your ...
Whether there is a virus going around or not, it's always a good idea to have an emergency store of food on hand. Here is how you can stock up your pantry in case of an emergency. How to stock up ...
Are you thinking about moving out of your parents' house / college dorm and living on your own? Yay for independence! The entirety of your life has been leading up to this moment. Your parents have ...
I just put my child in daycare. And I’m feeling ALL THE FEELS. I’ve laughed, I’ve cried. I’ve done a little happy dance. And I’ve even thought about picking him up and trying again some other time (in a year…
Somewhere along the line I recognized that I have enough stressors in my life and realized that meal planning doesn’t have to be one of them. Meal planning on a budget can sometimes be a pain, but if you do…
You haven’t seen my face on here in a while and now you know why. But here I am, wanting to show you that I’m okay and say THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU for the extreme kindness and support you’ve…
I wish I could say breastfeeding was the most natural yet magical experience but for me that wasn’t entirely the case. My Story Our breastfeeding journey has recently come to an end after 2 eventful years. Even though I was…
“I’m pregnant and I’m bleeding,” I said as I called the doctor. Not exactly how I was expecting to kick off the 4th of July weekend. Hours earlier we had just submitted an application for a beautiful house that would…
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