The average person uses 80-100 gallons of water a day. Utilities are the part of housing where we have the most control of. A mortgage or rent payment is fixed for the duration of your lease or mortgage, but utilities are directly related to your usage and your lifestyle (and also the price of gas, electricity, and water in your area). Here are ways you can save money by reducing your water usage.

Water Usage
The average water bill in the US is $70/month. That is based on the calculation that the average person uses 80-100 gallons of water a day.

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Being mindful of your water usage not only conserves the finite resource but also helps to stem the flow of cash to utilities. So if you are looking for a way to save a little extra money for a month, try reducing your water usage.
Change shower frequency
The first thing that comes to mind when saving money on water is the shower. The average shower uses 17.2 gallons of water. Instead of every day, try out every other day. If you need to let the water run to get hot, stick a bucket underneath the faucet and collect the excess to water the plants. If you don’t want to mess with the frequency of your showers, try shortening the length.
Take shorter showers
This is a no brainer but do you know just how much water you use when showering? The average flow rate is 2.1 gallons per minute. An easy way to use less water when showering is to turn off the water when you are soaping up and shampooing. Turn it back on at the end for a quick rinse.
Washing my hair is a process and I usually have to set aside a day to do it. I could easily spend over an hour in the shower detangling my hair so I’ve started sectioning my hair and turning off the water while I work on each section. Then I turn it back on to rinse. And no, I’m not perfect every time but I’m working on mindfulness!
It’s so easy to lose track of time underneath the nice hot water but set a timer for 5 minutes and see if you can get out before it goes off. If you want to add a little fun, pick out two 3-minute songs (or one really long Justin Timberlake song) and see if you can get in and out before the last song ends.

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Fill the dishwasher
Growing up, we didn’t use the dishwasher. I believe my mom was operating on the principle of “why run the dishwasher when she gave birth to 6 perfectly capable dishwashers?” BUT research now shows that you use more water by hand washing dishes than you do by running a full load through the dishwasher. Where was this research when we were growing up?!
Fill the sink halfway
If you do need to hand wash those pesky pots or those wooden spatulas, fill up a rinsing tub or put a small amount of water in the sink. Refrain from letting the water run constantly while washing. Same goes for shaving or brushing your teeth. WaterSense reports that 10 gallons are being wasted if you let the sink run for 5 minutes while shaving. Fill a small container with water to rinse off your razor and don’t let the water just run while brushing your teeth.
By reducing your water usage, you are not only saving the planet but you are saving your wallet as well. By making tweaks here and there, you’ll free up money in your budget that can go towards other things! You don’t have to attempt to do all of these right away so start small. Don’t worry if you forget to turn the faucet off here and there or if you just can’t do #allthethings all the time. The important thing is that you are laying the groundwork for good habits that are financially and environmentally responsible.
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Lots of really good tips here. Great idea to put a bucket under the shower head to collect water and use that for plants. My water takes forever to get hot, something about the pipes heat the water instead of a hot water heater? It’s supposed to be better but I don’t see how. Good idea to set a timer.
Yeah I have a hard time figuring out why things that take longer are more efficient, like dishwashers, but that’s the magic of it I guess.