I’m in my third trimester of pregnancy and it’s never too late to document it. According to my OB, full term is 37 weeks so now we are just entering the waiting game! Here is a update & recap of this entire pregnancy.
Due Date:
May 12
How far along?
36 Weeks
Check out my video recapping this entire pregnancy, including photos and videos of each month!
How big is baby?
The size of a head of romaine lettuce. Approximately 18-19in & 5-6lbs.
Little One is measuring smack dab on target which is different from Gideon who was always measuring a few days to a week behind (and came a few days late).
Baby Developments:
Baby is head down!
“By now, many of your baby’s systems are pretty mature, at least in baby terms, and just about ready for life on the outside.” -What to Expect.
Total weight gain?
Some weeks I don’t gain anything and some weeks I gain enough to make up for the previous weeks. Overall my body is staying very on track with gaining the appropriate amount of weight in pregnancy.
Maternity clothes?
Still fit.. barely. I’ve now graduated to my husbands clothes and will likely be wearing dresses & leggings these last few weeks.
Bending down and picking up toys. On the warm days I spend a fair amount of time outside with my toddler.

Surprisingly not too bad. I get bouts of insomnia here and there but at this point it’s not an every night thing (knock on wood).
I get very stiff in the night and it is SO painful if I move. I’m almost in tears trying to turn over to my other side. But by the time the morning rolls around I’m usually rested.
Gideon still gets up some nights. Now that my husband is on day shift & sleeping at night, he’s able to tend to him which I’m so thankful for.
1st trimester I was tired and nauseous, though I didn’t throw up which is 90% of the reason why I’m CONVINCED we’re having a girl.

2nd trimester was AMAZING. Most days I forgot I was pregnant. I was no longer nauseous and my belly wasn’t big enough to be uncomfortable.
3rd trimester: waddling is my main mode of transportation these days. Bending down to pick things up is very difficult. Some days if I’m standing for more than a few minutes the Braxton Hicks contractions come until I sit down. I’ve been having Braxton Hicks for about 2 months now. Sometimes they’re every few minutes and sometimes they’re every few hours. Nothing regular and they aren’t real contractions but they’re a good reminder to drink water and rest.
Pelvic pain is THE WORST. It wasn’t like this with my first and my OB said that with each baby you carry lower and lower. I started wrapping my belly in a belly band in my second trimester. If I’m sitting for extended periods I try to remember to move my hips frequently.
This pregnancy brought heartburn and acid reflux. Not exactly a pleasant feeling and I didn’t have it with my first.

I passed my gestational diabetes test but I am anemic.
Swelling here and there but I think it will really hit in the next week or so.
THANKFULLY, I’m not exhausted-tired, at least the tired that comes from hormones in the first trimester. Don’t get me wrong, I’m still exhausted by the end of the day but the first trimester tiredness is a special kind of exhaustion.
Food cravings?
Nothing really, though I am eating more sweets & candies than I ever have. I used to be able to pass up sweets when they were in our house but not so much any more.
Food aversions?
None any more, thankfully. Almost everything was an aversion in my first trimester – especially coffee and ramen – but I don’t have a problem with them anymore.

What I miss?
Not being in pain if I sit for more than 5 minutes.
It’s really hard for me to rest and not do much. I feel very useless. I’m learning just how much my self worth and mood is tied up in my productivity so I’m trying to see my resting as being productive.. after all, I am growing a human.
- Related: Strength For Today | Motherhood
What I’m looking forward to?
Not being in pain if I sit for more than 5 minutes.
And of course, the baby. We are waiting until birth to find out the gender! I have that ‘mama feeling’ that we’re having a girl. I’m excited to see who he/she looks like.
Seeing how Gideon interacts with the new baby. I’m not terribly worried because he’s around babies regularly but it’s different when it’s our own baby and they’re here to stay.
We’re trying to talk about the transition as much as we can with him. I’ve stopped saying ‘that’s for baby’ whenever he picks up an item because I’m sure that starts to get tiring after a while when you see all these new* things and they’re all for baby. Instead I try to explain what the item is and how he’ll be able to help me use it for the baby. He LOVES to help.
*they’re really just all his old things we’re reusing for baby.

Last time around I had postpartum depression which later took the form of PMDD. It took 2 years and 2 pregnancies to recover from it so I’m a little anxious to see how it goes this time around. But I am more prepared and not afraid to speak up and seek help.
Differences between first pregnancy and this one?
Much less anxiety. I don’t google. My moods have been so stable throughout.
This pregnancy feels more mild (at least the first 2 trimesters did) than my first but it could also be that I’m running around with a toddler so I don’t have time to think about symptoms/pain.
Baby is always in my ribs. Not once did I feel Gideon in my ribs.
At the same time, baby is a lot lower so my lungs don’t feel squished and I don’t run out of breath as quickly.
I thought Gideon moved a lot (and he did/still does) but this baby moves more… if that’s possible. When Gideon was born, the nurse wasn’t expecting him to move so much and he almost flipped off the weighing table. He hasn’t stopped moving since.
For some reason, I thought Gideon was going to be the bar for movement, the exception to the rule. I just assumed the next kid(s) wouldn’t be as active…
Only time will tell!
This pregnancy feels as though it is going by faster and I’ve rarely documented it (sorry, baby!) but that’s why I’m creating an entire post & video – better late than never. This time around I’m going to attempt to take newborn photos. I have a million photos of my first but no traditional newborn photos.
Nesting is in full gear though I don’t *feel* like I’m nesting. Basically my anxiety was ramping up and I was looking for ways to calm it, which meant prepping for baby.
- Related: What Helps My Depression & Anxiety
My husband submitted his time off for Baby – almost a whole month!
Car seat is installed, clothes are sorted, diaper/nursing caddies are prepped, and the co-sleeper is almost finished. The freezer is stocked with freezer meals (thanks mom in law!) and we have a care plan for Gideon almost figured out (thanks mom!).
A few days ago the pelvic pressure and Braxton Hicks were unlike anything I’ve felt this pregnancy (I’m wondering if it was the baby dropping) so I started setting out clothes for the hospital bag. Once I rested, things got better so now I need to circle back and pack the hospital bag.
Pregnancy Highlights:
In one of our ultrasounds, there’s a picture where the baby looks JUST LIKE ME. It’s uncanny. It’s crazy how clearly you can see my nose and lips, which is another reason why I think this baby is a girl.

Quotes & Stories:
“If I’m overdue, I’m going to be very grouchy in the end.” -Me
Non pregnancy related things:
I’ve been working on a special project the past few months and I’ve been having a blast. It’s really helped the time go by and when I’m immersed in work I forget all about the aches and pains.
Final Predictions:
I think this baby will be a girl, with hair. I’m guessing somewhere in the high 6lb to low 7lb range.
I think he/she will come sooner than 4 days late. Why so specific? Gideon was 4 days late – I was sure he’d be late and was even preparing myself he’d be 1-2 weeks late. He was always measuring a few days behind and he came a few days late. This baby is measuring right on target so I think he/she may come pretty close to the due date if not a tad early (a v pregnant mama can hope).
Overall I’m just excited to meet this little babe!

Let me know down in the comments what your predictions are!
- boy or girl
- when baby comes
- how much the baby will weigh
- hair?
& don’t forget to check out the video!
Aww what a sweet post! Makes me excited even though I’m reading it a little late 🙈
Definitely a girl… for all your reasons! There’s some truth to all of that!
Now for the wild guesses: 8 pounds 1 ounce; May 10. I think she’ll be average to a little short, but then she’ll get tall by middle school. She’ll like team sports and visual arts and math; very clever, and well-rounded too. But sometimes she’ll question her own brilliance. Give her lots of encouragement to go for it, whatever the pursuit. She’ll roll her eyes in the moment, but thank you prolifically in her 30s.
(The moral of the story. Never ask a profile writer to make predictions about your baby.) 😉
Ooh, I’m feeling girl for you, too! So far, I’m usually right, so don’t mess up my streak, k? 😛