I, too, would be falling asleep while eating after the weekend we’ve had.

This weekend started off with a parking ticket (my bad).
Then this morning I woke up and learned that the freezer door had been open all night (also my bad). Talk about a mess.
If that wasn’t enough, a few minutes before we needed to be out of the house, Little Man transformed into Little Picasso with just one swipe of the nail polish wand.. on the dresser.. and the bed.. and the carpet.. and his arms.
I saw him opening the lid and I ran to grab it.. rookie mom mistake. Once he saw me coming, he knew he was in trouble and decided to take everything down with him.
- Related: When Motherhood Leaves You Weak
My husband has been working all weekend so it’s just been me and the toddler. I am exhausted (& I’m sure my hard working husband is, too). We’re talking ‘drinking coffee and turning on the A/C’ exhausted – 2 things I don’t normally do 😉
- Related: How to Stay Cool Without Air Conditioning
- Related: Stop Buying Coffee | Money Saving Challenge
I’m trying to reframe my thinking as to not dwell on the frustrations.
I’m choosing to be intentional about looking for the positive in these situations.. because they have to be here.. somewhere.
- Related: God’s Mercy & Grace | Joy in Trials
Even though I feel a little silly for getting a parking ticket, it means that law enforcement is alive and well and for that I am thankful.
I’m thankful that my husband discovered the freezer door very early this morning so the food in the freezer was still cold. Which means I am cooking up every last pound of meat today.
And as for Little Picasso, the worst of it was on our furniture (as opposed to the permanent fixtures in the apartment) and the furniture was purchased second hand. Yay for thrift stores!
As for my husband working a long weekend, I am incredibly thankful he still has a job despite COVID and the defund the police movement.
I wish I could say that this little gratitude exercise made me magically feel all better.
The truth is, I don’t, not yet anyway. But that’s not going to stop me from choosing to be joyful & thankful in spite of these circumstances.
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