Hi guys!
It’s been a minute… Or 5.
Watch the video for a big announcement!
I haven’t done a blog post in a long long time. And there’s lots of reasons for that so let’s jump right in!
- The biggest reason I’ve been absent is I’M PREGNANT!

We will be welcoming our little one this summer.
I’m in the second trimester now which is great! Honestly the first trimester wasn’t terrible. Though I couldn’t have any dairy.. including lattes! I don’t drink coffee but I sure love my tea lattes. But those were out, along with hot drinks in general.
I do get pregnancy insomnia which is consistent with my previous pregnancies, but as far as nausea, I didn’t really have much! I was mainly just tired and went to bed right after putting the kids to bed.
The second reason is that I’ve been working more! I have child care available during the hours I work which I’m so thankful for. That leaves me finding time to work on my YouTube & blog during naptime & bedtime, which -because I’m pregnant- I just have not had the energy. But yay second trimester!
The House
Any spare time & energy I’ve had left over after kids, work, and managing the household, has gone into house projects. THANKFULLY there’s a light at the end of the tunnel. We’ve come to a place where the house is liveable and doesn’t feel like a construction zone.
I’d say we’re probably 80% done with the interior. For some reason that last 20% feels like it takes just as long as the rest. We went hard core for a year and we got burnt out. Once you cross the “livable” threshold, you kind of run out of motivation. But we’re so happy with the progress we’ve made. In the last few months we repainted my office, the living room, installed some trim, doors, blinds, and more!
The next reason is that I’ve been overwhelmed. I have SO MANY hours of footage from the house renovation. When I think of all the editing that has to be done, I don’t even know where to start! Do I put all the timelapses together, do I go room by room, project by project, month by month? I was going month by month but then we were working on multiple projects a month and some took over 8 months to finish!
What doesn’t help matters is that I didn’t have a plan before filming. I just filmed everything. My surplus of footage combined with my lack of organization made even the thought of getting started very overwhelming. Then with each video, I want to do a blog post but which comes first, the blog post or the video? Posts require pictures so then I had to get screen grabs from videos.
And don’t even get me started on taking the horizontal footage and turning it vertical and breaking it up into short style videos under 1 minute. Add to that all the other things going on in my life… So yeah. I found it much easier to go to bed when the kids went to bed and forgo working at night.
Home Life
With all that, my top priority still lies in being a wife and a mother and managing the household which is a full time job in itself! My husband works night shift so that’s been an adjustment for our family. I’ve been having fun trying more complicated recipes and dabbling in quite a few from Half Baked Harvest. I even started baking my own bread! Watch the video for tons more!

I started & lead a book club with one of my favorite books, M is for Mama, and we’re working on reading 100 books a month with our 4 year old. Over the past few months I’ve been to the ER with each child. Between check-ups, follow-ups, and prenatal appointments, the doctors is basically my second home.
I started therapy back up to establish a care plan in case I struggle in postpartum again.
I’m also starting physical therapy. With this being my 4th pregnancy, 3rd live birth Lord willing, my hips are struggling and it’s pretty early in my second trimester. I had a lot of pain post emergency c-section with my previous birth which eventually went away with time! Now it’s back. Some days the pain is so bad that by the time 6pm rolls around, I can’t walk.. which obviously is a problem because I have kiddos that need to be carried and taken care of and I’m not even halfway through the pregnancy! My OB said it’s just going to get worse from here on out so she referred me to physical therapy.

I started a business. Well, I did that a few years ago but I finally made it official and created an LLC. I picked up some new gear – a DJI Ronan gimbal and the Canon R7 so I’ve been playing around with those. I’m also taking a course to sharpen my skills.
I now rent 2 private offices and turned one of them into a photo/filming studio! I’m currently in my home office now because my main set up is here but I’ve been working on getting those spaces ready to move operations over!

This is a very full season of life. It’s hard. But hard and not the same thing as bad. And I’m very thankful for it! God is growing & stretching me through this season while still – miraculously – giving me strength and joy!
That’s all the updates I have for now!
Thanks for reading!

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